To all Rich Hill R-IV Parents: On Sunday evening, August 26, 2018 at 5:30PM, our new communication will send you a text message, an email, and a phone call. This is only a test of the system and will not contain any important RH School District News.
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates
Tiger Pride Booster Club Parking Lot Auction, Friday Night at the conclusion of the V Football Game! We hope to see all the Tiger Fans there!
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates
Background Check Training— I am attending a required training this morning at the Kansas City Police Training Headquarters to teach schools and other public agencies how to use the background check system in the state of Missouri. This system can help keep kids safe.
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates
Rapback Training
Thanks to Allison Bell and the Art Department for putting together this collage of popsicle sticks! Ms Bell says it represents how all of us make our school community work!
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates
Popsicle Proud
Junior High and varsity cheerleader parent meeting Monday night at 7 p.m. in the Elementary cafeteria
about 6 years ago, John Gilbert
Don't forget to stop by and get your enrollment packet! The first day of school is Thursday, August 16th
about 6 years ago, TJ Black
Tiger Pride Booster Club Meeting, Wednesday August 22, 2018 at 5:30PM. Please come and join this club that supports all students in all grade levels and in all activities!
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates
Good luck to all of our high school athletes. Let’s have a great fall season! #GoTigers
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates
Mr. Gillis, Mrs. Bridgewater and I are at a school law seminar to keep ourselves up-to-date and keep our district’s policies and practices legal and ethical.
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates
Gillis and Bridgewater at Law Seminar.
The school’s facilities are shined up and almost ready for students! We can’t wait to see all of our staff and students!
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates
Dolly and the Crew are finished with floors and have moved on to painting walls and doors.
Apptegy Training Session #2 for our office staff begins at 10AM!
about 6 years ago, Rich Hill R-IV School District
What were you doing 50 years ago? Mr. Larnal Martin was beginning his teaching career. Over the past 50 years he has shared his scientific knowledge and many jokes with classrooms of students. Thank you Mr. Martin for your dedication to education.
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates
The Ancient Fortress City of Carcasonne
about 6 years ago, Heath Oates