No School Tuesday--AMI Day 1. HS/MS must login and complete assignments to be present. Elementary do packet day 1. Teachers will be in contact.

Here are the game updates for next week: (February 17 - 21). Please keep in mind that all dates and times are subject to change.
Monday, 2/17/2025--RH @ Lakeland--5:30 pm. Half JVB, VG, VB
Tuesday, 2/18/2025--No Game
Wednesday, 2/19/2025--RH @ Jasper--5:30 FULL JVB--5:30 VG, VB
Thursday, 2/20/2025--RH vs Archie--Senior Night--5:30 FULL JVB, VG, VB

Junior High Track Conditioning:
Friday, February 14th, 3:15 -4:15 pm

It’s Fundraising Friday, and we’re focusing on building our Rich Hill FBLA Chapter! Please show your support by ordering from a student. Or copy/paste https://radafundraising.com/?rfsn=1991405.827a3e into your browser. Thank you!!

No School Thursday 2-12-2025. This is our last snow day.

No School on Wednesday--this is a snow day. Board meeting is moved to next Monday.

March 3rd & March 10th--Kindergarten & Early Childhood Screenings for the 2025-2026 school year.

Stop by the After Prom Candy Walk starting at 5 pm until sold out and satisfy your sweet tooth cravings! Treat your Valentine (and yourself) to decadent homemade treats and support our After Prom activities, too! Mon., Feb. 10, 2025 @ 5 pm.

"PowerSchool is offering two years of complimentary identity protection services to students and educators whose information was involved. For adult students and educators, this offer will also include two years of complimentary credit monitoring services." Copy and paste the link below:

Tonight's game at Jasper is canceled for this evening. The game will be played on Thursday, February 13th.

Courtwarming Week!

This is an important announcement from the Rich Hill School District. Starting tomorrow morning, normal bus routes will resume for all of Rich Hill. This includes those east of 49 and Early Childhood. Again, starting tomorrow, all bus routes will return to normal.

Parents, we apologize, but we are down a driver for the foreseeable future. We have a few people going through the training process, which takes several months, so we do not have a driver who can cover the route east of Interstate 49 which includes the route after school tonight. We will continue to work on a solution, but until we secure a driver, parents east of 49 will need to arrange transportation for their children to and from school until further notice. This will also affect Early Childhood. We have someone covering Early Childhood AM preschool, and PM preschool can be picked up, and PM preschool kids west of I49 can be dropped off, but PM preschool east of 49 will not be able to be taken home. Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience, but we do not have any solutions at this time. If anyone has a bus endorsement, or would like help earning their CDL and bus endorsement, please contact central office.

Kindergarten & Early Childhood Screenings for the 2025-2026 school year will be March 3rd & March 10th. Please contact the Elementary Office to make an appointment. (417)395-2227
*Students must turn 5 years old by August 1st to be eligible for kindergarten.
*Early childhood screenings are for students 3 to 5 years old.
We look forward to meeting you and your child.

Due to the extreme cold, the diesel buses won't run. No school today.

Rich Hill Elementary is sending out 3 days worth of AMI packets in your child's backpack in the event we exceed our built in snow days. Please keep these until the end of the school year just in case we have to utilize those AMI days.

The Rich Hill R-IV School Board is seeking bids for snow and ice removal from main campus school parking lots (student lot, high school circle, dome, and loading dock area) for the remainder of the season as needed. The bid amount requested would be per incident. A separate amount for sidewalk clearing would be considered if presented on the bid. Bids are due in Central Office by January 31 at 3pm. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

February 2025 Basketball Events

The Tigers will take the court tonight (1/14/2025) at the Appleton City Basketball Tournament. Both teams will play Hume. The girls play at 7:00 pm and the boys at 8:15 pm.
Good Luck Tigers!

Currently we have 4 bus routes in the morning. The evening will vary between 3 and 4 routes so drop off times may be off by as much as 20 minutes depending on whether a driver is available for the 4th route. Thank you for your patience.