Close the Gap Flyer

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is pleased to announce the new Close the Gap Grant program. This program provides a one-time grant of up to $1,500 for K-12 public school district and charter school students to use towards allowable educational expenses. 

Allowable education expenses include:

  • Tutoring

  • Computer equipment

  • Internet connectivity

  • Before- and after-school educational programs

  • Instructional resource material 

  • Course fees and textbooks

  • Online access for an academic app or subscription

  • Education, learning, study skills services

  • Academic day or summer camps

  • Arts-related day or summer camps

  • Art enrichment

To be eligible for the grant, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a Missouri resident

  • Student is currently enrolled in K-12 in a Missouri public school district or charter school 

To receive Close the Gap Grant updates and application reminders, please visit to sign up to receive emails. 

For any further questions, visit Odyssey's FAQ page.