Rich Hill Tiger News!!

Teachers, Students, and Patrons,

It is a chilly start to the week, but things are moving quickly. We have our first dance of the year this Saturday, and Scholar Bowl attends its first meet this week. As the semester gets moving, make sure to watch the school website/facebook/twitter pages to get up to speed.  And as always #ProudToBeATiger!

Tiger Pride Student of the Week!

-Cindy Zuber

Student Successes!

-15 Students with Perfect Attendance for 1st Semester

-Watch the Mining Review for our 1st Semester Honor Rolls

January 14-19 

Tuesday 15th

-Varsity/JV Basketball vs. Midway 5:00 PM (Rich Hill)

Thursday 17th

-Scholar Bowl (Lakeland)

-JVB/VB Basketball vs. Eldorado Springs 5:30 PM (Rich Hill)

 Friday 18th 

-Varsity/JV Basketball at 5:30 PM Bus Leaves 4:00 PM (Sherwood)

Saturday 19th

-FFA Barnwarming at 7:00 PM Games/ 8-11 PM Dance (Old Gym)