Mrs. Hay

Mrs. Marilyn Hay is from Papinville. She has worked in education right here in Rich Hill for the last 4 years. Mrs. Hay has earned an AAT from Crowder and a BS in Education from MSU. She's also worked at Children's Division before becoming a teacher.

She's married to Eric and their house is full with 5 children and 2 dogs. Mrs. Hay enjoys games, puzzles, and reading. She's glad to be at Rich Hill since she attended all 13 years, k-12, in this district.

Mrs. Hay is proud of graduating from college in her 30's along with pride in raising her family.

Mrs. Hay married this year and is moving so she will be leaving the district at the end of school. She would like to leave this parting wisdom, "It's never too late to change your path. If you're unhappy with where you are in life, change it!"